Don't let anyone bring you down meaning | let go and let live quote

 Don't let anyone bring you down


 The way to be completely independent is to
know who I am . It is the big question which
we should ask ourselves.We are involving in
short term issues .If we do something then
their is possibility  of success and failure.
So if we fail in doing something then it is 
not a worse but you do that mistake again
and again and not learn from that mistake
is worse .
"Success comes from experience, experience come from bad experience"

The problem of humanity is not that they 
are small and limited . The problem is that
they are big very big .And their power is 
unlimited which we are not know. We 
should talk based on our experience.

You notice that when we are anxiety becau-se of our small understanding.So we should
increase are understanding by learn skills, 
make knowledgeable . As fit at the level of
mind , education. As fit as required. Live 
simple as you can utilize your energy in your
work . Filled energy in yourselves by observ-
-ing the good things and adding the positiv-
-ity in yourselves.

      Let go and let live quote

By doing the mistakes we can be grow up to
steps to the mature these things  happen
when we learn the things , when we observe
the things .
             "  If you want to achieve greatness 
              stop asking permission".

With our understanding we can do impossi-
-ble possible . Our mind power is very sharp
rather than we can think. And when we 
reach at the top with full enthusiasm we
should spread that energy with others and 
be run with a peaceful mind.


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