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What is time simple defination | What is time actually | Time is conceptual

What is time simple defination? Are we really know what is the time. In childhood, you never see the time  always you observe the things. You notice the slight moments of the life You notice the forms of clouds in which some faces are forms, you see the  twinkling of stars.          What  is  time  actually ? But as the young age comes you all are  busy in our work and our day to day life  stress to earn the money and gathering  the things which all are temporary.       You will notice sometime that when you are happy then our time passes more quic- -kly as compare to you feel pain. " You are not a being that is aware You are the awareness itself ".                   Time  is  conceptual Time refers to the relative it is relative to  the state of our mind otherwise there is no time. You cannot touch, feel, see and hear  the mind is all your state of mind you obse- -rve and experience first an