
Showing posts with the label self improvement blog

How to keep a relationship happy and healthy?

  How to keep a relationship happy and healthy? For getting a successful life there should be a success in health, wealth, and relationship. A secret of a happy relationship is understanding each other whether it is a family member or a partner. The relationship is a link which tie up us with society. For a happy relationship first, define the other person what type of relationship you build with them. What should be the first thing which you want the base of this relationship first you clear with them? Second, draw some boundaries to add some space for yourself which necessary for every relation.  Now which type of relationship you want from others adopt that type of behavior in yourself and it takes time. It is like to grow a plant and save it from rain and storm and full care is given to it.  The relation is you get what you give. Everyone wants love in this world whether it is an animal or a human. Love works like magic in which any relation tie up it builds them strong

How should parents discipline their child?

How should parents discipline their child ? Children are like water they take a form that they learn from their elders. So it is really important for their parents to teach them the right kind of behavior. Child behavior does not affect only it's family, it's the effect on the whole world. When children come on earth they are fully charged up its proof their smile, they have full of enthusiasm for doing something different and big but we teach them to stay in the limit, be clever otherwise people think dump. Fill negativity in their minds by taking money issues or some other family problem. We should make our child strong well -being that they motive to do something for our country and for others. For this firstly parents should aware to take their child. Here are some tips for parents to be aware of to take their children. 1. Spend time Spend time with your child not to taking your work in between but properly understand the feelings of your child by observing