Live a colourful life meaning | What is the colour of life ?

Live a colourful life meaning

How we say this our life is colourful?
We are not seeing the world truly.
We always see the world with the
eyes of others. We are not the world
with the hearing statements. According
to the society, we judge the person. Our
habit is not observing the world by 
ourselves. Our brain is not using by us.

          In our life we are noticing always
negative aspects for example in the 
news their is so much negative news
in their by which we are scared rather 
than more aware. In today 's life there is 
more and more leg-pulling of each other
by which we are not concentrating on 
other issue which is essential to be
the improve.People rushy in pointing 
finger to each other.
For making beautiful to our life we can 
fill these colours in our flowering life.

          What is the colour of life ?

With the help of meditation we can improve our concentration power by which we can focus the one thing properly. And it also help us in improving the understanding.

 Be positive in all big problems in all 
moments gives the satisfaction to our heart. And it is the real money which
we can earn ourselves.

We should observe ourself in short period
of time that our target is totally achieve
by ourselves or it goes all in vain.We go
in right direction or not.

Stay time ourselves
We should give time to ourselves to think 
that what is wrong and what is right.
What is good for our life.We are stay at 
ones and take the right decisions.

Thanks to God
We should always thanks to God in every
aspect of life. Because he is only who 
always with us. He is only who protect
us and take care of us. God always shine
in ourselves.

By adding these colours our life shine with


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