
Showing posts with the label Inspiring blog

How to build trust in a marriage ?

How to  build trust in a marriage  ? A relationship without trust is like a flower that has no fragrance. Trust brings luster in a relationship. Without trust, the bond of relationship looks like a weak rope that can break at any time. It takes time to build trust in a marriage relationship. Sometimes there is not necessary to communicate in relationships it builds the relationship strong. Trust is built by the efforts of both partners so both should be motivated. Here are some points to build trust in relationships:- 1.Communicate and share information The first step to communicate with your own partner to tell them about yourself about your world share each other thoughts by which you both know each other by heart. 2. Be Supportive When any third person enter in your life so be supportive to take your partner. Show the reality to them that your bond is too close with your partner and you both are the strength of each other. 3. Becom

Smart goal generator | smart goals and objectives example

        Smart Goal Generator I believed that a smart goal generator is to see a clear vision of your goal. See your goal properly with all angles. Look up it's negative and positive aspects, how much risk involved in it. And then prepare for it by mentally and physically both sides. Why it is important to set smart goals? Without planning it is said that headless talk and completely sure of failure. It is possible that success comes in it but only for the short term. Because for the long term it is necessary to be thinking about all aspects. By setting sharp, clearly defined goals, you can measure and take pride in the achievement of those goals and you'll see forward progress in what might previously have seemed a long pointless grind. You will also raise your self-confidence as you recognize your own ability and competence in achieving the goals that you 've set.                   Smart Goals Smart usually stands for:            S

How to control aggressive child behavior

How to control aggressive child behavior         Out of control child program Children are too sensitive and greenery of our life if they deal with problems or some aggressive behavior parents should pay -attention to them because if they are not safe at their loved ones they spoiled, they are the future of our society and the beauty of the world never pluck the beauty of this nature otherwise there is no other option to prevent this world from drought. How to discipline a child that won't listen Here are some points to prevent aggressive behavior of children:- 1. Be Calm There is a need for lots of patience to nurture the child. For example, a seed takes plenty of time to grow and on them ripe fruits. Patiently and calmly understand your child. 2. Find the reason If your child in a sad mood and he maintains some distance from you or in a tantrum situation find the reason by asking him the problem or by noticing him.  A

What does it mean to be bold | How to act confident at work

What does it mean to be bold? When we've tried a particular thing and it didn't work out for us the first time,  we now find it very difficult giving it a try the second time. And after our second try and we still don't succeed or gain our victory, trying again for the third time will look very impossible. Sub consciously, we then build a wall of limitation of doubt and fear in our mind telling us that since the first and second try didn't work out, definitely the third try will fail! But now, the question is not whether the third try or other subsequent trials will work out, the big question is: Are you willing to try again? How to act confident at work? Life requires you to be bold to try and also keep trying. Some situations are naturally obstinate. You 'll have to try and try all over again before it gives you a positive response. Just like scientists, they keep trying and trying to form malaria  without t

How to make decisions faster without regret|Benefits of quick decision making|How to make decision easier

                  How to make decision easier Taking quick decisions is the most valuable part of our life. Sometimes people give steering of their life in the hands of other person and blaming them whole life for that.By taking right type of decision man filled up with confidence. Why it is so confusing to make a decision Failure Fear When the time to get a decision sudden stress comes in mind and feeling of fasten us. Because of the fear of failure is somewhere kept in mind. Accountability Fear Accountability fear is the fear of mistakes.If mistake happens then I withstand from it. Lack of Experience Why mistakes happen with us because we do not know the way to handle that situation. For example, you are not know how to drive a car because you do not know it earlier in your life. Too many options If you like chocolate and butterscotch both ice-creams it is difficult to choose one so, choices make harder to make decisi

Creative ways to deal with anger| How to deal with anger and depression

   Creative ways to deal with anger Anger is an emotional state of human life It is not good or neither bad. Anger is a situation in which something shaking inside us like when a T.V. cable cut and small pores come on screen, we fell unsecured from inside. Anger is a situation when our mind out of  control and we only say the negative points about another person without thinking it affects. What is the cause of Anger? When we stuck on any information and label a tag of our belief strongly sitting that likes and dislikes in mind causing anger. Strong likes and dislikes create strong emotions and by these strong emotions, strong reactions generated and then the situation is out of control from our minds. When there is too much greed by taking something then we react strongly. Dependency by taking information or any other resource generated anger without  information we are empty from inside and from it no anger hits us

Attachment theory relationships | Attachment theory essay

            Attachment theory relationships Attachment refers to the "strong feelings of affection or loyalty for someone or  something".              Attachment styles in children        My first attachment is my school bottle when I was in ll nd class and it was lost. I had found it everywhere but it was not found anywhere. After posting it I was  feeling very upset and regret how I lost my school bottle. My emotions attached with that bottle because on that bottle my father write my name and paste slip on it. In childhood, you have an attachment with  your things such as your pencil box, note- -books.         Secure attachment in infants In the teenager, you have an attachment with your life partner which is very pre- -cious one for you. For that, you think if he/ she goes from your life you cannot survive. Your life spoils with detachment from  his/her.      Secure attachment in adults After ma

Don't let anyone bring you down meaning | let go and let live quote

  Don't let anyone bring you down Meaning  The way to be completely independent is to know who I am . It is the big question which we should ask ourselves.We are involving in short term issues .If we do something then their is possibility  of success and failure. So if we fail in doing something then it is  not a worse but you do that mistake again and again and not learn from that mistake is worse .    "Success comes from experience, experience come from bad experience" The problem of humanity is not that they  are small and limited . The problem is that they are big very big .And their power is  unlimited which we are not know. We  should talk based on our experience. You notice that when we are anxiety becau-se of our small understanding.So we should increase are understanding by learn skills,  make knowledgeable . As fit at the level of mind , education. As fit as required. Live  simple as you can utilize your