"Gratitude" is a magical word

Gratitude is one of the powers of this universe. By which God supplies us what we want from him. Gratitude like wheat which the person grows and then self take the taste and avail of it. Gratitude gives us the power to live happily and satisfied by which God paise the person and fulfills their desires between super intelligence power and a person from those man 's desires fulfilled.

First, we should believe in the supreme natural power then, in reality, we should live in that desire and always strong to our belief and then looked them to be true.

The state of being gratefulness brings peace in our minds which is the law of this supernatural power to true dreams and make the thought a reality There is a natural principle that action and reaction always equal and in opposite direction.

Love is a special beauty which creates desires. And the desire to want something to create the power to get whatever you want.

Appreciation encourages us to have more because we made for more. Our existence is the energy that need more and for which natural Supreme intelligence provides the facility to make use more. Because all things which person made take its source from the earth.


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