Attachment theory relationships | Attachment theory essay

            Attachment theory relationships

Attachment refers to the "strong feelings
of affection or loyalty for someone or 

             Attachment styles in children

    My first attachment is my school bottle
when I was in ll nd class and it was lost.
I had found it everywhere but it was not
found anywhere. After posting it I was 
feeling very upset and regret how I lost
my school bottle. My emotions attached
with that bottle because on that bottle my
father write my name and paste slip on it.
In childhood, you have an attachment with 
your things such as your pencil box, note-

        Secure attachment in infants

In the teenager, you have an attachment with your life partner which is very pre-
-cious one for you. For that, you think if he/
she goes from your life you cannot survive.
Your life spoils with detachment from 

     Secure attachment in adults

After marriage at the age of 40 your whole
affection and loyalty show for your family.
You think that your family is the whole universe for you. Your whole attention in 
good feeding and provide a good life for your children . If you want to be detached 
from your family you never at this age.

      Attachment   theory   essay

Attachment of life and scare of death 
found in every person. No one wants to die
and detach from life. 

Attachment related to things , love,  stay in
life are temporary. 
 Understand properly that attachment is 
temporary and no live long and not go with
our soul is giving you the way of satisfying with detachment.


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