Why is achievement important | psychology of personal success

    Why is achievement important

Really we think about the real achievement
of life ? Firstly I thought that in my child-hood that success is to come first in classthen I achieve it but it is not enough then  I achieve different types of achievement in my life but all those are not enough and notcomplete satisfy in myself. And I observethe highly successful person who are successful in their life but it is not enough for them . So the question is arising that what is the actual achievement.


1. Don't go in extreme 

You can be keep balance between the thin-
-gs  no more excited and no more anger.
Like in cooking more salt is spoil the taste
and less salt not tasteful. Balance is neces-
-sary . Control is the biggest power in the 
hand of human.

2. Be Acceptance

Whether the suitation you like or not accept
it by smile and understand whatever going 
on , teach to your mind to understand the
situation by saying it's "ok" is the right way
to live.

3. Stay with interest

Live with your own interest which you like 
to do. It increase your energy which spread
by other ones . Stay happy is transform the

4. Be patience 

Keep patience in doing whatever you  do .
Because by patience you can achieve that
which you cannot think.patience is virtue
That everybody must possess. Patience in 
life can make them reach out for the stars.
Patience makes us better person. 

5. Stay peaceful

From day to night you think  about your 
Health worries ,why this situation is happe-
-e d with me , why my relatives is wicked, 
complex and jealous to see the other higher status persons .All these worries spoil the 
curry of life . All these statements are rubbish . Put out these types of rubbish from your mind
by finding the solution to solve these problems
as early as possible . By observing the routine of
your life. By applying the solution in your daily 
routine. Walk on this path your mind stay peacefule .


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