
Showing posts from July, 2020

Power of self -Belief

             Power of Self -Belief To believe in ourselves is key to get what you want from life anything and everything. It means to understand how the law of the power of self-Belief works. Self -Belief is the step that reaching us to our goals. For self - belief we should think positively towards our goals. For it, one should take one step forward by which we realize we will reach closer o our goal. Self -Belief is the power that arrives us to the tree of fruits. Here are some points which develop in our ability to focus on self-Belief. 1. Gain experience in your field Whatever you learn in any field related to take the experience from doing it. For the first time, you not understand how to deal with it but after some time you slowly realize yes I can do it. It is understood by you and you take an interest in it. Now doing this work is like a game for you in which you succeed always. 2. Count your wins in a day Yes, count in your daily activi

Do I know who I am?

Do you really know who we are? We talk about all the topics which things in front of us but we can't see the mirror and ask ourselves that who I am? Is l am this body? This body is a physical outer shell of our existence. It had 5senses skin, nose, eyes, ears, eyes, tongue two kidneys, one heart, lungs, and different systems. This physical part eats, breathes, moves, reproduce. This body is a physical part that is controlled by a subtle part - the mind. Is l am this mind? We have a mind that has the power of recall, remember, think, and choose. From our birth and up to now we have a lot of memory which saves in our computer mind from which we can't delete anything but sometimes such memory deleted itself. Our mind awakens when we sleep, and dreams come in mind so the mind is not us because the memory of mind is deleted but then also we stay so we are not a mind. Is l am this soul? Our soul is a spiritual, immortal part of a human being that is subtle and

How to turn off negative thoughts

How to turn off negative thoughts? Negative thoughts are also part of thoughts. Like a coin has to head and tail just like that thought have positive and negative aspect it is the evidence of the normal state of mind. Yes, it is true that too many negative thoughts are harmful to our mental health.  Sometimes negative thoughts prevent us from doing preparation of our project but sometimes it is unusually grasped up with fear So how to turn off our negative thoughts? Here are some points which help us to turn off negative:- 1. Observe our negative thoughts Negative thoughts take place in our mind when we are not aware what is off in our mind and we only tolerate that pain we just not know what happens with us how we get rid with this pain and we suffer from the fear of this pain. So first we should observe our mind what is running   init?  2.  Recognize how to deal with it Recognize that this thought is stated true or not. I

How to keep a relationship happy and healthy?

  How to keep a relationship happy and healthy? For getting a successful life there should be a success in health, wealth, and relationship. A secret of a happy relationship is understanding each other whether it is a family member or a partner. The relationship is a link which tie up us with society. For a happy relationship first, define the other person what type of relationship you build with them. What should be the first thing which you want the base of this relationship first you clear with them? Second, draw some boundaries to add some space for yourself which necessary for every relation.  Now which type of relationship you want from others adopt that type of behavior in yourself and it takes time. It is like to grow a plant and save it from rain and storm and full care is given to it.  The relation is you get what you give. Everyone wants love in this world whether it is an animal or a human. Love works like magic in which any relation tie up it builds them strong

How to get over someone who hurt you?

How to get over someone who hurt you? Are you feeling helpless when someone hurts you.? It is a common scenario. How to ignore the feeling of irritating when someone shouted on you? When does someone complain about the small things which no have enough mean how to avoid it? It is the situation faced by everybody but few of them understand the real game. It is the situation that feels anyone full of anger and prudence person take an interest in it. Here are some points to get over when someone hurts you:- 1. No one gets harm unless you give them        Permission It depends on you that what you think about yourself rather than treat yourself on anybody's declaration of your identity. Think before reacting to others' statements. If someone says you foolish then he reveals about himself what 's his attitude towards others. 2. Meditate Meditation is the best way to control your mind and build focus on your mind to decide before taki

How should parents discipline their child?

How should parents discipline their child ? Children are like water they take a form that they learn from their elders. So it is really important for their parents to teach them the right kind of behavior. Child behavior does not affect only it's family, it's the effect on the whole world. When children come on earth they are fully charged up its proof their smile, they have full of enthusiasm for doing something different and big but we teach them to stay in the limit, be clever otherwise people think dump. Fill negativity in their minds by taking money issues or some other family problem. We should make our child strong well -being that they motive to do something for our country and for others. For this firstly parents should aware to take their child. Here are some tips for parents to be aware of to take their children. 1. Spend time Spend time with your child not to taking your work in between but properly understand the feelings of your child by observing

How to build trust in a marriage ?

How to  build trust in a marriage  ? A relationship without trust is like a flower that has no fragrance. Trust brings luster in a relationship. Without trust, the bond of relationship looks like a weak rope that can break at any time. It takes time to build trust in a marriage relationship. Sometimes there is not necessary to communicate in relationships it builds the relationship strong. Trust is built by the efforts of both partners so both should be motivated. Here are some points to build trust in relationships:- 1.Communicate and share information The first step to communicate with your own partner to tell them about yourself about your world share each other thoughts by which you both know each other by heart. 2. Be Supportive When any third person enter in your life so be supportive to take your partner. Show the reality to them that your bond is too close with your partner and you both are the strength of each other. 3. Becom

Smart goal generator | smart goals and objectives example

        Smart Goal Generator I believed that a smart goal generator is to see a clear vision of your goal. See your goal properly with all angles. Look up it's negative and positive aspects, how much risk involved in it. And then prepare for it by mentally and physically both sides. Why it is important to set smart goals? Without planning it is said that headless talk and completely sure of failure. It is possible that success comes in it but only for the short term. Because for the long term it is necessary to be thinking about all aspects. By setting sharp, clearly defined goals, you can measure and take pride in the achievement of those goals and you'll see forward progress in what might previously have seemed a long pointless grind. You will also raise your self-confidence as you recognize your own ability and competence in achieving the goals that you 've set.                   Smart Goals Smart usually stands for:            S