How to get over someone who hurt you?

How to get over someone who hurt you?

Are you feeling helpless when someone hurts you.? It is a common scenario. How to ignore the feeling of irritating when someone shouted on you? When does someone complain about the small things which no have enough mean how to avoid it? It is the situation faced by everybody but few of them understand the real game. It is the situation that feels anyone full of anger and prudence person take an interest in it.

Here are some points to get over when someone hurts you:-

1. No one gets harm unless you give them 

It depends on you that what you think about yourself rather than treat yourself on anybody's declaration of your identity. Think before reacting to others' statements. If someone says you foolish then he reveals about himself what 's his attitude towards others.

2. Meditate

Meditation is the best way to control your mind and build focus on your mind to decide before taking any decision. So do at least 5minute meditation daily.

3. Be Confident

Give respect to yourself to feel good in front of others. Feel that you are the greatest person who ever born on this planet. Feel to your self-respectful that no one let you down.

4. Understand the situation

First, consider that you may allow others to blame you. Are you add the fire in your remark. Correct our mistakes first that you do not get into it.

5. Neglect kindness

It is the greater problem sometimes that person begins too much kind to others and in this way, they allow others to take the benefit of it and hurts you.


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