How to get good at something quickly ?

How to get good at something quickly?

Focus on your childhood we take interest in learning anything but after trying some minutes if the thing is not to happen according to us we bore in it and leave it to do. And this process is continuing by us today also. Because we do not know the fact behind it.

We breathe ourselves, our eyes blinking ourselves when sleep comes to us than our eyes close ourselves. It means all this happens by our subconsciousness.

And there is our mind which generates thoughts and we act on it. It means we have consciousness.

If we want to slim first we can do some painful exercises but bearing that pain first our mind thoughts push us to not doing this and the next side is our subconsciousness which pushes us to do it physically. By one side thought says to do it and another side whole body feels pain.

So to bearing this pain 90% of people leave it and only 10% can do the effort but the question is how 10% of people become do it.

So the answer is 10% of people create their small small target like in video games there are different levels. The first very easy level comes then some more hard and then more and so on....

It means draw easy and small targets first then you enjoy it and your conscious and subconsciousness both meet together and maintain interest in it. Then you win and ready to go to next level. By pushing your self next and again forward one day you achieve your victory.


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