How thoughts affect our reality?

How thoughts affect our reality?

The human mind is very powerful. Our mind controls our body. And in mind thoughts are there which is created by our external atmosphere where we live. So first we should understand this world deeply what are the rules and regulations of it. Is anybody harms us without our permission? The answer is "no" we form ourselves that what we choose to form. This is the truth of this universe which very few people know and this is affecting our society, Nobody talks about this topic. This is the answer which should everybody knows.

Everything which creates in this world it's the starting point is thought. And the same direction of a group of thoughts manifest itself and form this real world.

Our mind is  connected with our feelings and behaviour. If we think we are failure there is a lack in our energy and we act as 
failure and this belief strongs our thought and we must be face failure.

Our thinking catalyst is self-perpetuating cycles. The action potential is a sudden burst of voltage caused by chemical changes. The neuron is a nerve cell through which signals are sent. A neurotransmitter is a chemical released neuron that helps them communicate with other cells .eg- dopamine, epinephrine,  norepinephrine. Prefrontal Cortex is a part of the brain involved in planning, personality, decision making, and social behaviour. Hippocampus is a part of the brain in a variety of memory functions. Synapse is a structure that allows a neuron to pass a chemical or electrical signal to a target cell.

If we print on paper in the computer I am stupid, I am ugly, I am unlucky then you are not angry on the computer what printer on paper because the computer does not come in between. What we think in the brain that happens in reality. So to improve ourselves we should improve input then output improve itself. 

But many few know this and they sow negative thinking which outcomes they found in negative happening them in reality.


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