Creative ways to deal with anger| How to deal with anger and depression

   Creative ways to deal with anger

Anger is an emotional state of human life

It is not good or neither bad. Anger is a situation in which something shaking inside
us like when a T.V. cable cut and small pores come on screen, we fell unsecured from inside.

Anger is a situation when our mind out of 
control and we only say the negative points
about another person without thinking it affects.

What is the cause of Anger?

When we stuck on any information and label a tag of our belief strongly sitting that
likes and dislikes in mind causing anger.

Strong likes and dislikes create strong emotions and by these strong emotions,
strong reactions generated and then the situation is out of control from our minds.

When there is too much greed by taking something then we react strongly.

Dependency by taking information or any other resource generated anger without 
information we are empty from inside and
from it no anger hits us. 

How to deal with it?

When we understand properly that nothing
is out of us, we are totally complete and full,
If there is no world and other things then also we are deep within.  There is no one is
Perfect rather than us. When we realize that
in this fullness man and things come and go but there is no sense of lack.

      "    Discover Yourself
          You are the infinite ".


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