How to make decisions faster without regret|Benefits of quick decision making|How to make decision easier


          How to make decision easier

Taking quick decisions is the most valuable part of our life. Sometimes people give steering of their life in the
hands of other person and blaming them
whole life for that.By taking right type of decision man filled up with confidence.

Why it is so confusing to make a decision

Failure Fear

When the time to get a decision sudden stress comes in mind and feeling of fasten
us. Because of the fear of failure is somewhere kept in mind.

Accountability Fear

Accountability fear is the fear of mistakes.If
mistake happens then I withstand from it.

Lack of Experience

Why mistakes happen with us because we
do not know the way to handle that situation. For example, you are not know how to drive a car because you do not know it earlier in your life.

Too many options

If you like chocolate and butterscotch both
ice-creams it is difficult to choose one so,
choices make harder to make decisions.

 Some decisions destroy us and some build 
us. Here are some tips which help you to take a quick decision:-

1. Set a clear goal

When we think to take some decision then 
firstly we should know about the upper scenario and lower scenario means, what
happens if we take a high risk or not. Are
we prepare to fasten their consequences.

2. Set a time limit

When we take decisions of our life regularly
rather than asking someone else. We should learn the speed of taking decisions.

3. Control what you can control

For taking quick decisions we can control ourselves to discussing them with others.
If you have the power to control it then use
it and focus on control it.

4. Be an observer 

Observe the things first for example if you try some recipes in Kitchen then first you
observe the recipe to take the decision to
add some flavors.

5. Embrace Uncertainty

Mistakes are part of the success without mistakes no enjoyment of success, no value of success neither any moral from any lesson.

6. Make Small Decision

Begins to learn quick decision with small steps. Prepare yourself first to take personal life decisions.

7. Focus on present

Focusing on the present moment is important to understand the deepness of the situation. And focus on the present moment is form by observing your environment and analyzing it.

8. Avoid decision fatigue

Avoiding decision fatigue means avoiding
destruction from your mind and concentrate
with the full power of the mind.


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