How to stop thinking about yourself | recurring negative thoughts

     How to stop thinking about yourself

When we are stucking with our problems in
life due to the overcoming of failure it is called the overthinking.

Everyone thinks their problem is big. But
human forgot.
               "  Problems are not big
                 We are big."
Life has no end of problems. It takes different forms but they neither less and not
end. But the only way to get rid to change
its vision. Do not see the problems with 
taking a stand to attach with any belief.

Look at the scientific way which is 
the right way of vision to any problem. For example, Newton understands the law of 
gravity and by understanding, he started
to act upon them. He glimpses the law as it is and not want to change it. Therefore, I 
only understand it. Observe life as life, not 
my life. I could not glance at life with a 
subjective point of view. Recognize it with 
a subjective point of view. See it with the
objective view as a scientist eye peeking.

If we look at the blunders, not as my 
blunders rather than it's cause. Thus we
discover a new cause. Do not act like a 
greedy person.

If we see this way, we understand the 
nature of difficulties and takes the steps
one by one. And we reach the root cause
of the problems.

              "Change your mindset and
          Everything else will fall into place".


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