
10 Rules Of success in life | Rules of success in business

                10 Rules of success in life Happiness is not only the option to choose rather need or not. It is the basic nature of humanity. And very essential for us. Then for happiness, our success is very important. Here are some rules of success which if you follow you get succeed in your life. 1. Don't waste your time You all know once a moment goes then  never come back. So don't stay empty do whatever you want.  Always make a  target to achieve something and do it by your heart. 2. Practice makes a man perfect Keep practising whatever you want in your  life. It is like a knife whose sharpness is  greater by using it. Practise gives experien- -ce and experience give confidence. 3. Keep Moving forward Life is a way which keep ourselves always forward. There is no door who take you in the past. Sitting to get one success is not the right way . Keep moving forward by  takin

Kinship care help | kinship care benefits | challenges of kinship care

What is kinship? The way in which two or more people or  group talk to, behave towards, and deal  with each other. The state of being related or interrelated. Kinship Care Help To deal with the relationship you should  know about the mindset of other person to know the motive of another person and deal with it otherwise the bond of relation break down.     Here are some points which help you to better understand about kinship care benefits. 1. Clarify your statement Always clear your statement in front of another person and for this first understand the motive of the front person what he/ she wants to tell you. Don't be a stay with mis -understanding. 2. Be Materialism You can fulfil the need of another person as much as possible with you. For example, what your child wants to you any toy, game equipment provide it in a material way  which make your bond strong at this level. 3. Never satisf

Attachment theory relationships | Attachment theory essay

            Attachment theory relationships Attachment refers to the "strong feelings of affection or loyalty for someone or  something".              Attachment styles in children        My first attachment is my school bottle when I was in ll nd class and it was lost. I had found it everywhere but it was not found anywhere. After posting it I was  feeling very upset and regret how I lost my school bottle. My emotions attached with that bottle because on that bottle my father write my name and paste slip on it. In childhood, you have an attachment with  your things such as your pencil box, note- -books.         Secure attachment in infants In the teenager, you have an attachment with your life partner which is very pre- -cious one for you. For that, you think if he/ she goes from your life you cannot survive. Your life spoils with detachment from  his/her.      Secure attachment in adults After ma

What is time simple defination | What is time actually | Time is conceptual

What is time simple defination? Are we really know what is the time. In childhood, you never see the time  always you observe the things. You notice the slight moments of the life You notice the forms of clouds in which some faces are forms, you see the  twinkling of stars.          What  is  time  actually ? But as the young age comes you all are  busy in our work and our day to day life  stress to earn the money and gathering  the things which all are temporary.       You will notice sometime that when you are happy then our time passes more quic- -kly as compare to you feel pain. " You are not a being that is aware You are the awareness itself ".                   Time  is  conceptual Time refers to the relative it is relative to  the state of our mind otherwise there is no time. You cannot touch, feel, see and hear  the mind is all your state of mind you obse- -rve and experience first an

Why is achievement important | psychology of personal success

    Why is achievement important Really we think about the real achievement of life  ? Firstly I thought that in my child-hood that success is to come first in classthen I achieve it but it is not enough then  I achieve different types of achievement in my life but all those are not enough and notcomplete satisfy in myself. And I observethe highly successful person who are successful in their life but it is not enough for them . So the question is arising that what is the actual achievement.   1 . Don't go in extreme  You can be keep balance between the thin- -gs  no more excited and no more anger. Like in cooking more salt is spoil the taste and less salt not tasteful. Balance is neces- -sary . Control is the biggest power in the  hand of human. 2 . Be Acceptance Whether the suitation you like or not accept it by smile and understand whatever going  on , teach to your mind to understand the situation by

Don't let anyone bring you down meaning | let go and let live quote

  Don't let anyone bring you down Meaning  The way to be completely independent is to know who I am . It is the big question which we should ask ourselves.We are involving in short term issues .If we do something then their is possibility  of success and failure. So if we fail in doing something then it is  not a worse but you do that mistake again and again and not learn from that mistake is worse .    "Success comes from experience, experience come from bad experience" The problem of humanity is not that they  are small and limited . The problem is that they are big very big .And their power is  unlimited which we are not know. We  should talk based on our experience. You notice that when we are anxiety becau-se of our small understanding.So we should increase are understanding by learn skills,  make knowledgeable . As fit at the level of mind , education. As fit as required. Live  simple as you can utilize your