
Live a colourful life meaning | What is the colour of life ?

Live a colourful life meaning How we say this our life is colourful? We are not seeing the world truly. We always see the world with the eyes of others. We are not the world with the hearing statements. According to the society, we judge the person. Our habit is not observing the world by  ourselves. Our brain is not using by us.           In our life we are noticing always negative aspects for example in the  news their is so much negative news in their by which we are scared rather  than more aware. In today 's life there is  more and more leg-pulling of each other by which we are not concentrating on  other issue which is essential to be the improve.People rushy in pointing  finger to each other.                             For making beautiful to our life we can  fill these colours in our flowering life.           What is the colour of life ? Meditation   With the help of meditation we can impro

Lost in memories Review

           Lost in Memories Review Is this stated true that lost in memories is the big issue in our life . By losting in  memories we create a different world in our mind and so much time we spend in thinking .                   In our mind, there is a conflict between action and reaction what comes in our mind feeder information from birth up to now we act on that. This action or reaction of mind is happening all 24hours  in our mind. For example, if your mom says to bring a salt bottle from the kitchen and your mind somewhere else so if bottle is in front of you then do not find it.Because their is action and reaction both take place in your mind.            Sometimes it's involvement in our life form a big issue. By doing the wrong things because lacking the attention.We can feel  regret in afterwards.                So it must be aware about the things with us.                All our day to day life game

If you really want something you will get it.

If you really want something you will get it Yes, desire makes our wings when we achieved it. The achievement of our  dreams allow us to fly . But the question  is how we reach there with the calmness and regular practicing about our  passionate dream and with the delight enjoyment of life. Aileron is not that by  which we leave the other's hands and walk in our attitude. It is the way to take a new direction and interesting creation of our  life. Aviate is the freedom to see the world with full understanding and happiness which  form you the perfect and the flyman who touches the high and high peak of the cliff. By this attitude, the man passed with lots of troubles and challenges but he even not  know that he deals with a difficulty or a  slight difficulties.Because the person face  the problems by taking as the simple and  think its solution by a peaceful mind.

What keeps a person motivated ?

What keeps a person motivated ? According to my belief, there is no one who stays always excited and always depressed but we can stay motivated  all the time. There are some levels if we work on it so we can stay motivated.  1.At the level of body  First of all, at the level of the body, we  should stay healthy. we should take the  nutrients according to our body. We could take the advice of any physiotherapist who is actually best in their field and have knowledge about the body at a great level. We also add some physical activity in our day to day life. 2.At the level of mind There is in motivation word hiding of secret that is 'motive'. If there is a motive to achieve something then our life takes form to build ourselves. By learning the things we can grow up day by day. The  desire to keep learning from every aspect  of life is motivation. Always stay students  brings new energy in our life th

What is Natural world? I Are humans apart of nature I What does nature mean to you.

          What is natural world? We can also call nature is heaven. It is the beauty that God gifted us. Nature formation is the natural decoration that millions of years ago formed. Nature is the beauty of our life    Without nature, our life is not possible. Nature is built by the colors. The reality of colors is hiding in this creation. True colors are taken from nature. Are human apart of nature                                             Nature is formed by defining things. In  Nature Flora and fauna include.By looking at the trees when the wind is blowing there comes a refreshment that filled freshness in the life of a human. For  example there is the stress of related to office work, business problems it stays out whether you look at the stars at night if there any problem related to our life it answers we getting by thinking in in nature. That 's why in nature is also called the second name of God.      Natural things suc

The art of creating yourself | Creating who you want to be | Create myself

        The art of creating yourself In today's life man is very busy in earning the resources in learning the new things but he does not see his power to create new things. Man rushy in their day to day routine but not observe ourselves.Man  takes the information of the society but not noticing what is happening with him. The great person's such as Bill gates, Newton, Charles Dickens, Marie Curie, Einstien, C.V. Raman, Jeff Bezos, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Christopher Columbus, Graham Bell and many others look at the world by different vision. They  first ask the question themselves and then create the new thing. They give the  direction to their thinking. Usually, people feel fear to do differently to  a choice different point of view. They think the different thing is not true or not in syllabus of life.       Creating who you want to be Man grow up their mi

Theological dissident definition | Examples of dissident

     Theological dissent definition Generally, Dissidence is a lack of understanding. When people Judge the other person wrongly and then react before he says something quarrel occurs when the choice of a person does not match to each other.   It is caused when the person does not describe our point of view in an exact way in which another person totally understands.      When the person gives more importance to another person and he takes the benefits of it then all quarrel happens.               Examples of dissident   There is a war before 1947  between the Indians and the Britishers, it's caused due to the uneducated Indians and lack of understanding. And the cunning Britishers take disadvantage of it. By this Britisher's oppression on Indians and then war arise. In today's world, there is also a  corrupted people who spoil the others for a minute benefit of suggesting wrong  ways to unknow