Theological dissident definition | Examples of dissident
Theological dissent definition
Generally, Dissidence is a lack of
understanding. When people Judge the other person wrongly and then react before he says something quarrel occurs when the choice of a person does not match to each other.
It is caused when the person does not describe our point of view in an exact way
in which another person totally understands.
When the person gives more importance to another person and he takes the benefits of it then all quarrel happens.
Examples of dissident
There is a war before 1947
between the Indians and the Britishers, it's
caused due to the uneducated Indians
and lack of understanding. And the cunning Britishers take disadvantage of it. By this Britisher's oppression on Indians and then war arise.
In today's world, there is also a
corrupted people who spoil the others
for a minute benefit of suggesting wrong
ways to unknown persons.
The altercation is the way by which
criminals scare people by attacking them one by one. If we observe criticism is
influences person to person and everywhere in the world
One of the best examples of a dispute in
the field of a soldier. Soldier service is the
service in which he gives him and his
family life for the hassle and every
second he and his family scare that their
soldier tomorrow comes or not. soldier
The other example is from the religious
a place where all the corrupted people
quarrel for taking the share of the offertory and the seat of their presidency at the
name of god's service.
There should be discord but it should be
discord of love and understanding. Brawl
of giving and receiving. Fighting for
helping each other. Fray for caring for each
other. Scrap for helping the other and the
main aim of fighting is fun.
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