What is Natural world? I Are humans apart of nature I What does nature mean to you.

         What is natural world?

We can also call nature is heaven.
It is the beauty that God gifted us.
Nature formation is the natural decoration
that millions of years ago formed. Nature is the beauty of our life    Without nature, our life is not possible. Nature is built by the colors. The reality of colors is
hiding in this creation. True colors are
taken from nature.

Are human apart of nature                                            

Nature is formed by defining things. In
 Nature Flora and fauna include.By looking
at the trees when the wind is blowing there
comes a refreshment that filled freshness in the life of a human. For 
example there is the stress of related to
office work, business problems it stays
out whether you look at the stars at night
if there any problem related to our life
it answers we getting by thinking in
in nature. That 's why in nature
is also called the second name of God.
     Natural things such as mountains, rock water, minerals, plants, animals
microorganisms, all these are the magical
 the resource which is created by God and 
given in the hands of a human who also
the divination on the earth.

"If you truly love nature, you will
find beauty everywhere".


What does nature mean to you ?


I believed that our body made by five
elements of this natural water, earth, fire,
Air and space. These elements maintain balance. This is the law of nature. Earth
element (Bones and Muscles), water element (Blood), Air element (Breath).
Fire elements (Heart) and space element (Emptiness within).If anyone element takes out our body would collapse.there are various energies in the body like Bio-energy, magnetic energy, electrical energy, mechanical energy, and chemical energy.
This energy runs the body. These are 
Any imbalance in the Pran Shakti or vital

We need to find God and he cannot be 
found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature -trees, flowers grass -grows in silence, see the stars, the moon, and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls.

"Look deep into nature, and
then you will understand 
everything better."


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