
Showing posts from 2020

how to live in solitude by leaving loneliness ?

Being alone and feeling lonely are two completely different things, however. Many people feel lonely even when they're in a crowded room. And some people spend lots of time alone without ever actually feeling lonely.  It's important to untangle two concepts being alone and being lonely. While there 's some overlap between them, they're completely different concepts. Maybe you are a person who absolutely basis in solitude. You are not antisocial, friendless, or loveless. You are just quite content with alone time. In fact, you look forward to it. That 's simply being alone not being lonely. On the other hand, maybe you 're surrounded by family and friends but not really relating beyond a surface level, which has you feeling rather empty and disconnected. Or maybe being alone just leaves you sad and longing for the company. That's loneliness. When you surround yourself with moments of solitude and stillness, you become intimately famili...

What is self growth ?

It is one of the most important chapter of our life which we all neglect to improve and many people don't know about it. No one can talk about it and if talk so incomplete talk. What is self-growth? Improve our behavior and habits by notice yourself who are in a real way and what you want to be assembled so that you should be in reality a great person that everyone liked them. But you know what are the strategies you should follow. Here are some strategies which help the person to build and improve our growth. 1. Aware to know yourself Notice what 's your behavior with others, notice how much positive you think every day. Notice what 's your dreams think about it. All means notice your thoughts and start to do work upon them. If you really start work upon them you should successful to improve yourself. 2. Leave comfort zone Comfort zone is the biggest stone in your way which decreases your speed of strength and compelled you to reac...

"Gratitude" is a magical word

Gratitude is one of the powers of this universe. By which God supplies us what we want from him. Gratitude like wheat which the person grows and then self take the taste and avail of it. Gratitude gives us the power to live happily and satisfied by which God paise the person and fulfills their desires between super intelligence power and a person from those man 's desires fulfilled. First, we should believe in the supreme natural power then, in reality, we should live in that desire and always strong to our belief and then looked them to be true. The state of being gratefulness brings peace in our minds which is the law of this supernatural power to true dreams and make the thought a reality There is a natural principle that action and reaction always equal and in opposite direction. Love is a special beauty which creates desires. And the desire to want something to create the power to get whatever you want. Appreciation encourages us...

How to get good at something quickly ?

How to get good at something quickly? Focus on your childhood we take interest in learning anything but after trying some minutes if the thing is not to happen according to us we bore in it and leave it to do. And this process is continuing by us today also. Because we do not know the fact behind it. We breathe ourselves, our eyes blinking ourselves when sleep comes to us than our eyes close ourselves. It means all this happens by our subconsciousness. And there is our mind which generates thoughts and we act on it. It means we have consciousness. If we want to slim first we can do some painful exercises but bearing that pain first our mind thoughts push us to not doing this and the next side is our subconsciousness which pushes us to do it physically. By one side thought says to do it and another side whole body feels pain. So to bearing this pain 90% of people leave it and only 10% can do the effort but the question is how 10% of people become do i...

How do I discover my passion and talent

How do I discover my passion and talent Talent is the key to self - existence. First, everyone knows us in society by our talent than after with name. In this world, everyone would give their service to run and develop this world. Whatever you give that much you receive. If someone says no I come in this world to only enjoy so he remains poor in his life. Because that much this world gives you whatever you pay in exchange. And what about talent from where it comes so it discovers by yourself. Here are some points to discover your talent:- 1. Observe yourself from childhood Childhood is the state from which you know which activity or which game your DNA takes an interest. Because in childhood child has lots of energy to do without any obstacles to being there with full concentrate. 2. Ask from others what they notice about     your talent Take observation of others towards you in which they understand your way what they suggest to yo...

How thoughts affect our reality?

How thoughts affect our reality? The human mind is very powerful. Our mind controls our body. And in mind thoughts are there which is created by our external atmosphere where we live. So first we should understand this world deeply what are the rules and regulations of it. Is anybody harms us without our permission? The answer is "no" we form ourselves that what we choose to form. This is the truth of this universe which very few people know and this is affecting our society, Nobody talks about this topic. This is the answer which should everybody knows. Everything which creates in this world it's the starting point is thought. And the same direction of a group of thoughts manifest itself and form this real world. Our mind is  connected with our feelings and behaviour. If we think we are failure there is a lack in our energy and we act as  failure and this belief strongs our thought and we must be face failure. Our thinking catalyst is self...

Power of self -Belief

             Power of Self -Belief To believe in ourselves is key to get what you want from life anything and everything. It means to understand how the law of the power of self-Belief works. Self -Belief is the step that reaching us to our goals. For self - belief we should think positively towards our goals. For it, one should take one step forward by which we realize we will reach closer o our goal. Self -Belief is the power that arrives us to the tree of fruits. Here are some points which develop in our ability to focus on self-Belief. 1. Gain experience in your field Whatever you learn in any field related to take the experience from doing it. For the first time, you not understand how to deal with it but after some time you slowly realize yes I can do it. It is understood by you and you take an interest in it. Now doing this work is like a game for you in which you succeed always. 2. Count your wins in a day ...

Do I know who I am?

Do you really know who we are? We talk about all the topics which things in front of us but we can't see the mirror and ask ourselves that who I am? Is l am this body? This body is a physical outer shell of our existence. It had 5senses skin, nose, eyes, ears, eyes, tongue two kidneys, one heart, lungs, and different systems. This physical part eats, breathes, moves, reproduce. This body is a physical part that is controlled by a subtle part - the mind. Is l am this mind? We have a mind that has the power of recall, remember, think, and choose. From our birth and up to now we have a lot of memory which saves in our computer mind from which we can't delete anything but sometimes such memory deleted itself. Our mind awakens when we sleep, and dreams come in mind so the mind is not us because the memory of mind is deleted but then also we stay so we are not a mind. Is l am this soul? Our soul is a spiritual, immortal part of a human being that is subtle and...

How to turn off negative thoughts

How to turn off negative thoughts? Negative thoughts are also part of thoughts. Like a coin has to head and tail just like that thought have positive and negative aspect it is the evidence of the normal state of mind. Yes, it is true that too many negative thoughts are harmful to our mental health.  Sometimes negative thoughts prevent us from doing preparation of our project but sometimes it is unusually grasped up with fear So how to turn off our negative thoughts? Here are some points which help us to turn off negative:- 1. Observe our negative thoughts Negative thoughts take place in our mind when we are not aware what is off in our mind and we only tolerate that pain we just not know what happens with us how we get rid with this pain and we suffer from the fear of this pain. So first we should observe our mind what is running   init?  2.  Recognize how to deal with it Recognize that this thought is st...

How to keep a relationship happy and healthy?

  How to keep a relationship happy and healthy? For getting a successful life there should be a success in health, wealth, and relationship. A secret of a happy relationship is understanding each other whether it is a family member or a partner. The relationship is a link which tie up us with society. For a happy relationship first, define the other person what type of relationship you build with them. What should be the first thing which you want the base of this relationship first you clear with them? Second, draw some boundaries to add some space for yourself which necessary for every relation.  Now which type of relationship you want from others adopt that type of behavior in yourself and it takes time. It is like to grow a plant and save it from rain and storm and full care is given to it.  The relation is you get what you give. Everyone wants love in this world whether it is an animal or a human. Love works like magic in which any relation tie up it buil...

How to get over someone who hurt you?

How to get over someone who hurt you? Are you feeling helpless when someone hurts you.? It is a common scenario. How to ignore the feeling of irritating when someone shouted on you? When does someone complain about the small things which no have enough mean how to avoid it? It is the situation faced by everybody but few of them understand the real game. It is the situation that feels anyone full of anger and prudence person take an interest in it. Here are some points to get over when someone hurts you:- 1. No one gets harm unless you give them        Permission It depends on you that what you think about yourself rather than treat yourself on anybody's declaration of your identity. Think before reacting to others' statements. If someone says you foolish then he reveals about himself what 's his attitude towards others. 2. Meditate Meditation is the best way to control your mind and build focus on your mind to decide befo...

How should parents discipline their child?

How should parents discipline their child ? Children are like water they take a form that they learn from their elders. So it is really important for their parents to teach them the right kind of behavior. Child behavior does not affect only it's family, it's the effect on the whole world. When children come on earth they are fully charged up its proof their smile, they have full of enthusiasm for doing something different and big but we teach them to stay in the limit, be clever otherwise people think dump. Fill negativity in their minds by taking money issues or some other family problem. We should make our child strong well -being that they motive to do something for our country and for others. For this firstly parents should aware to take their child. Here are some tips for parents to be aware of to take their children. 1. Spend time Spend time with your child not to taking your work in between but properly understand the feelings of your child by observing...

How to build trust in a marriage ?

How to  build trust in a marriage  ? A relationship without trust is like a flower that has no fragrance. Trust brings luster in a relationship. Without trust, the bond of relationship looks like a weak rope that can break at any time. It takes time to build trust in a marriage relationship. Sometimes there is not necessary to communicate in relationships it builds the relationship strong. Trust is built by the efforts of both partners so both should be motivated. Here are some points to build trust in relationships:- 1.Communicate and share information The first step to communicate with your own partner to tell them about yourself about your world share each other thoughts by which you both know each other by heart. 2. Be Supportive When any third person enter in your life so be supportive to take your partner. Show the reality to them that your bond is too close with your partner and you both are the strength of each other. ...

Smart goal generator | smart goals and objectives example

        Smart Goal Generator I believed that a smart goal generator is to see a clear vision of your goal. See your goal properly with all angles. Look up it's negative and positive aspects, how much risk involved in it. And then prepare for it by mentally and physically both sides. Why it is important to set smart goals? Without planning it is said that headless talk and completely sure of failure. It is possible that success comes in it but only for the short term. Because for the long term it is necessary to be thinking about all aspects. By setting sharp, clearly defined goals, you can measure and take pride in the achievement of those goals and you'll see forward progress in what might previously have seemed a long pointless grind. You will also raise your self-confidence as you recognize your own ability and competence in achieving the goals that you 've set.                   Smart ...

How to control aggressive child behavior

How to control aggressive child behavior         Out of control child program Children are too sensitive and greenery of our life if they deal with problems or some aggressive behavior parents should pay -attention to them because if they are not safe at their loved ones they spoiled, they are the future of our society and the beauty of the world never pluck the beauty of this nature otherwise there is no other option to prevent this world from drought. How to discipline a child that won't listen Here are some points to prevent aggressive behavior of children:- 1. Be Calm There is a need for lots of patience to nurture the child. For example, a seed takes plenty of time to grow and on them ripe fruits. Patiently and calmly understand your child. 2. Find the reason If your child in a sad mood and he maintains some distance from you or in a tantrum situation find the reason by asking him the problem or by n...

Confidence Challenge | Things to do build confidence

            Confidence Challenge I believed that build self - confidence means delivering respect to our soul, inner God which alive in all of us. To mold, it strong is your responsibility which you should redeem. Self-confidence is the universe's biggest power. No other power can defeat it. No one can provide you this power and no one can take. Things to do  build a self- confidence Here are some things which you should do to build a strong self -confidence. 1. Exercise In exercise, there are lots of activities that normally release endorphins in your brain. They make you feel good and your body will benefit from the strengthening movements. 2. Practicing affirmation Change the way you view yourself. Say positive words in yourself aloud. By appreciating yourself and saying positive yourself transform your image to boost your self-confidence. 3. Do daring things in every single day Such a...

What does it mean to be bold | How to act confident at work

What does it mean to be bold? When we've tried a particular thing and it didn't work out for us the first time,  we now find it very difficult giving it a try the second time. And after our second try and we still don't succeed or gain our victory, trying again for the third time will look very impossible. Sub consciously, we then build a wall of limitation of doubt and fear in our mind telling us that since the first and second try didn't work out, definitely the third try will fail! But now, the question is not whether the third try or other subsequent trials will work out, the big question is: Are you willing to try again? How to act confident at work? Life requires you to be bold to try and also keep trying. Some situations are naturally obstinate. You 'll have to try and try all over again before it gives you a positive response. Just like scientists, they keep trying and trying to form malaria  without t...

What defines beauty | describe inner beauty | Where does beauty come from

          What defines beauty? "I think beauty comes from actually knowing who you are"                       That 's a real beauty to me"             Describe inner beauty? Beauty isn't about having a pretty face. It's about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart, and a pretty soul. Real beauty is to be true to oneself. That 's what makes me feel good. And style is about confidence. That's the real beauty. Real beauty lies in simplicity, not in the fake makeovers. True beauty in a man is reflected in his soul. It is the caring that he lovingly gives, the passion that he knows. Real beauty is not what the eyes can behold but what the heart can hold. What we see with our eyes will vanish someday, but what we store in our hearts will forever stay. Don't be fooled by outside beauty. The real beauty is on the inside. Where does beauty com...

What does it mean to be lucky| Concept of luck

              Definition of luck Act upon any situation according to our interpretation is called luck.             Concept of luck There is Anu whose mother says her good luck for the exam it means her mother gives her blessings to do the exam according to her understanding. I believed that success achieved by those who find the right scientific method to apply to the relative to that business or situation. What does it mean to be lucky? Good luck & Bad luck There are two men Rajive and Mukesh who started the same business at the same time but from both Rajive business got success and Mukesh fail at every step. Both study at the same college and take the same education about their business. Both go to the temple on the same day. But Rajive follows some tricks which he understands by observing the things and passed their experience which Mukesh did not observ...