What defines beauty | describe inner beauty | Where does beauty come from

          What defines beauty?

"I think beauty comes from actually knowing who you are"
                      That 's a real beauty to me"

            Describe inner beauty?

Beauty isn't about having a pretty face. It's about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart, and a pretty soul. Real beauty is to be true to oneself. That 's what makes me feel good. And style is about confidence. That's the real beauty. Real beauty lies in simplicity, not in the fake makeovers. True beauty in a man is reflected in his soul. It is the caring that he lovingly gives, the passion that he knows. Real beauty is not what the eyes can behold but what the heart can hold. What we see with our eyes will vanish someday, but what we store in our hearts will forever stay. Don't be fooled by outside beauty. The real beauty is on the inside.

Where does beauty come from?

Natural beauty is being the best possible version of yourself on the inside and out. Beauty is how you feel on the inside and it reflects in your eyes, we can say this beauty is not in the face, beauty is a light in the heart.

Makeup, the idea of beauty now go in modern concept for social media women, girls capture their photos and show it their outer beauty to the world.

Happiness comes from the power of a wide vision. It means not to be self-centric, not be selfish. If the power of vision is to take all of the society together or even the worlds mean to be kind towards the others mud, feel happiness and pleasure from the inner self and the worst time is it's best.

 " Yes, natural beauty comes from good moral values, inner peace, and wonderful thoughts."


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