What does it mean to be bold | How to act confident at work

What does it mean to be bold?

When we've tried a particular thing and it didn't work out for us the first time,  we now find it very difficult giving it a try the second time.

And after our second try and we still don't succeed or gain our victory, trying again for the third time will look very impossible.

Sub consciously, we then build a wall of limitation of doubt and fear in our mind telling us that since the first and second try didn't work out, definitely the third try will fail!

But now, the question is not whether the third try or other subsequent trials will work out, the big question is: Are you willing to try again?

How to act confident at work?

Life requires you to be bold to try and also keep trying.

Some situations are naturally obstinate. You 'll have to try and try all over again before it gives you a positive response.

Just like scientists, they keep trying and trying to form malaria  without thinking they fail in it many times  and at last,  they win to discover the medicine of malaria.

        How to  live bold?

We should always keep learning and understanding by the experience, develop courage, the strength of character, more self-confidence and self-esteem when life keeps us at bay waiting for our breakthrough. For the trial of our faith worketh patience.

So as you move on with life, muster the courage and boldness to keep trying.

When life tells you a no, respond back with a big yes yes. Don't quite because of trying times. We are never meant to give up while are still alive.

Always say to yourself and to your situations, It 's possible, I can do this, I can succeed, I am a victor!


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