How to make yourself smarter everyday | How to feel smarter

             How to feel smart?

A man comes at Earth with a nice of knowledge. He takes the form of knowledge by learning from this world. And now it is so easy to learn anything with digital skills. When there is information in man's mind he finds smartness in ourselves and it comes effortlessly the only effort of learning it could be anything you wisely grow and grow more.

Here are some learning elements which help you to feel smarter.

1. Believe in yourself

The first step to learning anything you should believe in yourself. Believing for that anything you learning is give you success. By believing this makes you comfortable with learning anything and you grab it easily.

3. Socialize more frequently

Social interaction, such as talking with friends and family, may also increase your intelligence. The brain benefit of being social makes sense when you consider that the human brain evolved to perform optimally inside the context of a" tribe ".

3. Exercise every day

Add exercise in your daily routine to avoid stress-related illnesses. Increase in the hippocampus region of the human brain created by exercise.

4. Creative skill

Adopt any creative skill which maintains your interest. And something new creative skill knowledge you gain. Add this to your hobby list.

5. Meditation

Meditation for at least 5 minutes increases your power of control, concentration, alertness, creativity, and intelligence. People who struggle from anger, anxiety, depression, or other mental illnesses should meditate to calm themselves and develop a stronger sense of focus.

6. Read

Reading is the most basic way to facilitate brain activity, but it often presents some of the most diverse opportunity for stretching the brain capacity. Reading books gives us knowledge of the world. Where, how , which, who all happenings in wherever.


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