What is the Ultimate purpose of life | What is human goals


What is the ultimate purpose of life?

Sometimes in life, this question may arise in everybody's mind why we come on earth
or why we take birth. Is there is any reason for it? And we try to find the answer to this by asking someone, by reading holy books or by watching the shows of God and Goddesses. And according to that, there is a reason behind it to feel peace and happiness in each and every situation whether it is the worst or the best. Whether it is a situation of pain, grief or enjoyment, and fun. Live life peacefully to avoid anger, Greed, Ego, and attachment.

We take birth or death at the level of the body but our soul is immortal. It is a very small part of God which is as a soul lives in us. When we take birth consciousness is comes in us and when death comes in us consciousness goes out of the body but it is not affected our soul. And who's really understand this self - realization then they live a life of greatness and live in a peaceful statement. 

       What is the human goal?

And on the other hand, it is necessary to understand what is the real reason (scientific reason )  to happen in any situation then you realize the truth and stay with a peaceful life.

But in today 's life, everyone runes for money comforts and wants lavish life to live whether it comes with wrong steps. Many youngsters get suicide because they do not understand the real-life why it is gifted us?

So it is very essential for our society that we take the steps to involve positivity and the real virtues in our atmosphere and strictly prohibited which leading the steps for the negative purpose. Then our society 
create a good atmosphere to be a human and to be human.

    "To be happy and share happiness
      with others is the ultimate goal
                      of life "


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