How to get out of a trapped situation | How my worse date ever became my best

How to get out of a trapped situation ?

Might be losing your loved ones, your job, health, wealth but the strength in difficulties come from your inside, your inner self if connected with you. You stay
powerful you would 't be broken externally.

The reality of life is not those which only we will wanting and a perfect life rather this joy, pain and all the feelings in between are part of the real-life.

People day to the night run in the thinking to avoid experiencing grief, annoyance, irritation, alienation, or failure. But in the end, life always has its way.

       "  Your pain can become your greatest
        ally in life 's search for love and 
        wisdom ".

How my worse date ever became my best ?

Here are three reasons why the worst day of your life is the best day of your life.

1. Focus you to Grow

In life pain and joy runs equally after one by one in which pain forces you to grow well in life and joy is the result that you do better in life. You learn from the pain.

2. It wakes up you

For example, we all take daily pain to wake up from the sleep in the morning and 
that 's pain give up energy from the charged up and do work all day.

3. It Motivates you

Remember the day in your life when you
in the worse situation and you take a hard decision and those fruits you eat now.


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